DATE: 9/25/17
Pennsylvania, Washington/Greene County – Blueprints [formerly Community Action Southwest] is proud to announce the launch of a brand new initiative designed to meet the needs of our friends and neighbors who struggle on a daily basis.
A Little LIFT [] is a community led initiative designed to eliminate barriers to stability and independence for clients engaged in services at Blueprints.
Blueprints works with thousands of people in programs that strengthen and sharpen minds, stabilize and secure homes, preserve and improve wellbeing, and earn and balance a livable wage. However, there are barriers that block progress and hinder community stability for many Blueprints’ clients.
“Our clients can do everything right, be moving in a positive direction, and things happen that sets them back miles,” says CEO Darlene Bigler, “there are barriers that cannot be eliminated through traditional funding sources.”
That’s where A Little LIFT comes in. For example, mom has a decent job, a car, current on bills, but little financial cushion beyond being able to meet basic needs; a common story in our community. What if the car will not pass inspection without 2 new tires at a cost of $200? Mom can’t afford it, has no credit, no resources to draw from. She is now at risk of losing her job/her income, possibly her home. And it gets worse from there.
This family needs A Little LIFT. Through crowd funding, this family can avoid being set back months if not years because a dozen or so neighbors were kind enough to come up with $10-$20 each to help.
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