June 30, 2014

Greene County United Way recently presented a $1,000 check to Community Action Southwest’s Home Delivered Meals program, thanks to a grant from the Land O’Lakes Foundation. The foundation awarded a $10,000 grant to the United Way of Pennsylvania to address food and hunger needs in various communities across the state.

With the donation for this year, the Land O’ Lakes Foundation has donated over $85,000 which has benefitted 34 local United Ways in Pennsylvania over the past five years.

“We are grateful to the Land O’ Lakes Foundation for their continued investment which supports the important work of local United Ways and their partners in the fight against hunger,” said Joseph M. Capita, Interim President of United Way of Pennsylvania.

“Over the past five years, these funds have helped a variety of organizations including food banks, soup kitchens, schools and domestic violence shelters.”

The funds are given through the foundation’s Mid-Atlantic Grants Program, which is a grassroots program developed specifically for communities in Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Virginia.

Community Action Southwest’s (CAS) Home Delivered Meals program distributes over 3,000 meals to homebound seniors every month, and thrives due to the efforts of our 50 volunteer drivers, who tirelessly serve this special population. “CAS is appreciative of the support, and applauds the Land O’ Lakes Foundation and the Greene County United Way for their commitment to community,” said Darlene Bigler, CEO of Community Action Southwest.” CAS’ Senior Services programs are funded, in part, under a contract with the Southwestern PA Area Agency on Aging, Inc., through a grant from the PA Department of Aging, and by the Greene County United Way.

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