Participants in the PEER (Pennsylvania Empowered Expert Residents) program are trained to empower residents to improve their quality of care and life in long-term care facilities. This program has been recognized by the Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman for its successful implementation.
The Pennsylvania’s Empowered Expert Residents (PEER) are long-term care residents who are trained to self-advocate and empower their fellow residents to improve their quality of care and life in long-term care facilities. PEER is a collaboration between residents, facility staff, and the local ombudsman program.
Blueprints initiated the very first PEER project in southwestern Pennsylvania. Since its launch, 41 Greene County residents have successfully completed the five-part training sessions through Blueprints’ Ombudsman Program. Currently, Blueprints has three effective PEER programs with 20 active residents trained as advocates. Blueprints’ Ombudsman staff serve as mentors for the Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman and share our best practices with other colleagues in the aging network.