December 30, 2013

Waynesburg, PA — The Pittsburgh Foundation recently awarded a grant of $5513 to the Greene County United Way to fund a project in Greene County relating to early childhood education. Barbara Wise, Executive Director of the United Way, reached out to Community Action Southwest (CAS) to put the funds to good use in our community. CAS has recently initiated an enhancement to its Washington County Head Start classrooms in which they added an Early Learning Coach to provide extra support in classrooms behavioral concerns are a significant issue. This funding will allow the program to expand into CAS’ Greene County classrooms.

“We were pleased to receive the attention from such a prominent organization like The Pittsburgh Foundation, and I can always count on Community Action to make things happen here in Greene County” says Barbara Wise, “I know the challenging behaviors of a few children can affect the whole classroom. Extra support will ensure higher rates of successful Kindergarten transition for all our kids.”

CAS will employ an Early Learning Coach who will provide training on social & emotional development, model effective teaching strategies, assist staff in applying new techniques and create materials that promote pro-social behavior in the classroom. CAS is confident that referrals for behavioral concerns will decrease significantly as a result of the interventions, and successful Kindergarten transition will continue at a rate of 90-100%.