Join us for our virtual event “I Foster Care” May 13th from 6PM to 8 PM . This event is to bring awareness to the importance of fostering in our community, especially for older youth. For this virtual event, we are collaborating with experienced foster parents, older youth, and other professionals so they can inform the community  of the benefits and needs of fostering older youth. During this event, we will hear testimonials and success stories from our older youth who were able to achieve Permanency with their forever family. Hear from the members of our Youth Advocacy Board, who will discuss their needs as adolescents in the foster care system, and what they hope for in a family. We will also hear from our families as to how and why they became interested in providing a loving, stable home to older youth, in effort to encourage more caregivers to accept adolescents into their homes and daily lives.


If you are ready to learn how you can help build a child’s future by becoming a foster parent, click the link below to sign up! This Event is free to attend!


Topic: Blueprints National Foster Care Month Virtual Event

Time: May 13, 2021 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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